The Debate: RuneVillage and RuneHeadQuarters

As we all know that there are many Runescape help sites. But many are down because of the amount of members and support that they have. But as we all know Runevillage and Rune Headquarters are one of many popular sites with over 10,000 Members registered to their forums. But it may seem that Rune Headquarters have more members registered to their forums because many people make double accounts and even triple to make them seem more popular, but only the owner of the sites know. Although many sites are fast in developing information very quickly, well that’s because some or even most of the information may be wrong and then corrected later in the year. But we want to do what’s right for everyone and let them know what goes on behind these sites, and how can you notice. Well let me tell you some things and how may you notice.

- Which sites do tell lies? How do you know?
- - Well I know Runevillage doesn’t because all there information that I used from them are correct, but there was this one specific guide about cats and I read what can they eat, and they gave me, trouts, basses, ect.

- How do you know?
- - Well try it of course. My kitten didn’t like those fishes, maybe when it’s a cat it will, but not when it’s a kitten.

-Why do sites count as popularity?
- - Because of the people that support it and they see how much and how long the sit had been put on for. But not only that counts, the reports count too.

-Why does it take Runevillage a while and Rune HQ a little bit of time?
- - Well RV takes its time to release there information because RV checks there information, and they actually have some people correct it in the game be for they
release it.

But RHQ releases it a day after the report was made. They don’t check to see if its right or if its wrong. They just proof read it and give props to people who made it.

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By: Zone_Ant
Proofread By:HG
Article Coded By Juansito